Guide On How To Get the Property Ready For Photography 

Please Decide on the Type of Photos (warm or cold) you like

Warm  <------> Cold

Warm  <------> Cold

Please follow the steps below to ensure a successful photoshoot and attractive images

Inside The House


Living Areas

Kitchen and Dinning



Laundry Room

Pool Table


Outside The House

Front Yard

Backyard, Deck and Patios

Garages, Storage Rooms, Closets, Utility Rooms


We can typically still get a yard photo but might not be able to get a shot of the back of the house if the snow gets too high. If you have a fence, make sure the gate isn't frozen shut and if the snow is difficult to walk through, please plow a path into your back yard so we can get a shot of the back of your house. 

We truly appreciate your kind efforts in having the property photo-ready prior to the photographer's arrival.